Cool Choices

Cool Choices is a two-hour interactive workshop aimed at Year 6 students to help them make positive life choices.

The initiative uses a variety of ideas, fun and interaction to encourage students to think through areas such as:

  • What are choices? – We make hundreds each day!
  • Who influences our choices? – Parents, peers, media?
  • What are uncool and cool choices? – How can we know what are good and bad choices?
  • What are the barriers to making cool choices?

Cool Choices includes a reflective response time and a Christian perspective on making ‘cool’ choices.

Cool Choices fits well within the PSHE scheme of work (e.g. Managing risk).

Cool Choices workshops normally take place in September and January but GenR8 may be able to offer dates at other times of the year.

For more information or to book email: or telephone: 07598 378800.

Cool Choices Flier

"I would like to do it again next year!"

Year 6 Student

"I learnt how to stay safe and make good life choices."

Year 6 Student

"I have learnt to take time and think about the future when I make choices."

Year 6 Student

"Pacey and kept the class going all afternoon – no mean feat!"

Year 6 teacher

"Very inspirational. Lively delivery. Great interaction, and very current resources!"

Year 6 teacher

"Excellently pitched, good resources and very well thought out."

Year 6 teacher

"The children felt that it made them stop and think about the choices they need to make and who can help them make the right choices."

Year 6 teacher

"I was very impressed by the whole session - the content, the presentation and the children's responses to everything. It was a very valuable and inclusive session and made me think as much as the children!"

Local schools work charity trustee

"It was an excellent session which the children took a lot from!"

Year 5/6 Leader