It’s Your Move 2024

Siân and a small team of young people are in schools this week with the It's Your Move tour 2024. The IYM workshops are booked to visit 15 schools to give encouragement and reassurance to Year 6 students about to make the big move up to...

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Summer assembly tour

Royston team in rehearsal GenR8 teams are visiting schools in June and early July with an assembly titled - Respect. The assembly explores what respecting each other means in practice. We look at how Jesus taught us to treat others as we...

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Steve leaving GenR8

Steve Whyatt set up GenR8 with John Hardwick in 2001, and it has grown and developed over the two decades since then. Steve handed over the role of director to Siân Thorne last year and was hoping to continue working 4 days a week. However...

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New trustee

We are excited to welcome Andy Thomas to our trustees. He has worked in pharmaceutical drug discovery for many years and has also led church youth groups for 20 years. His wife, Bev, volunteers for GenR8 in assembly teams, Cool Choices and as a booking...

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Easter assembly presentations

The GenR8 Easter assembly visits start on 5 March and will be going into over 100 schools! There are five GenR8 teams taking an Easter assembly presentation - A New Start into primary and first schools in Cambridgeshire, North Hertfordshire, and West Norfolk. The assembly...

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Cool Choices with Year 6

Tomorrow is the last day of the current set of Cool Choices workshops with Year 6 classes. In January and early February we have run a total of fourteen sessions in twelve schools. What a privelege to spend time with these young people and discuss...

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New Year news

A new term has started and we are already busy with lots of activities. Cool Choices workshops with Year 6 classes, the Celebration event on Saturday 20 January of 21+ years of ministry, Inspire Prayer Space days (in schools and at Make Lunch, Royston), Permanent...

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Cool Choices

It was great to be able to run 19 Cool Choices workshops with Year 6 students in September and October. The sessions help young people to look at what influences the choices they make - their friends, their parents, the media...

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