Assembly Presentations

GenR8 visit over 100 primary and infant schools each term with 25-minute high energy assembly presentations.

A typical presentation will include:

  • Action words
  • Song
  • Puppet sketch
  • Drama sketch (often based on a Bible story)
  • Participation
  • Interaction
  • Reflection

Presentations are prepared in line with primary school learning objectives and are offered free of charge to schools. They are accompanied by our follow-up material, giving schools the opportunity to continue with RE & PSHE themes in the classroom.

GenR8 seeks to combine fun and faith in a relevant and educational way so that primary school aged children have the opportunity to hear about, and learn from the Christian faith. Assembly presentations are based around bible stories and Christian themes, and focus on what Christians believe.

GenR8 seeks to work appropriately in the life of schools and to the highest possible standard, regularly providing training to its team members and reviewing practice.

Assembly Presentation Trailer Example assembly - Easter 2022

"Thank you for visiting our school - you all make a valuable contribution that contributes greatly to our children's spiritual development."

Primary Head Teacher

"The children greatly enjoy your assemblies which are both entertaining and informative and our children with special needs are able to enjoy them too because you make them interactive and very visual. I watched these children very carefully during your last assembly and they were attentive most of the time, this is quite a feat!..I greatly enjoy them too. You all come in with so much energy and this is greatly appreciated particularly later in the term when our energy levels are at their lowest."

Primary Head Teacher

"Excellent, great, the kids thoroughly enjoyed an enthusiastic presentation that was really useful as we revised the points raised in class."

Primary Head Teacher

"I thought the assembly was first rate (as it always has been)."

Primary Head Teacher

"The children thoroughly enjoyed the assembly yesterday, in fact we are currently undergoing an Ofsted inspection and the Inspector judged the assembly as Outstanding."

Primary Head Teacher