All-Age Church Services

GenR8 is available to lead or take part in all-age services in local churches.

A typical service will include components of GenR8 schools presentations such as sketches, puppets, songs and reflective times, as well as other material relevant for all ages.

For more information or to book, email or telephone 07598 378800.

GenR8 has been participating in all-age services in churches of different denominations and traditions for a number of years. Read our testimonials below to hear what a few churches have said…

Church Service Trailer

"During the afternoon everyone I spoke to had good things to say about the GenR8 worship."


"We really appreciated what you brought yesterday, and all your and the team's enthusiasm and energy. Everyone I have spoken to enjoyed it. Keep up the good work!"


"Just wanted to say a huge thank you to you and your team for all you did yesterday, it was much appreciated and young and old were captivated and greatly encouraged!"


"I just wanted to thank you all for your time and effort in coming to take the Service. The Service went very well and good to see children and adults getting involved."

St Neots

"I have heard nothing but praise for the excellent service on the 6th. I missed it as I was preaching at Somersham, but everyone said how good it was."


"On the way back from the Comberton service my kids told me that they would like church to be like that every Sunday. So if involved again please don't make it that good!"


"Sam, when asked if he enjoyed the Service gave it 99.99999 out of 100! Considering he is a 13yr old where church is not always 'cool' I think that's pretty good praise."


"I just wanted to say THANK YOU so much for the service on Sunday. There was so much positive feedback from young and not-so-young! It was good of you to give up so much time in preparation and on the morning itself but everyone found the service challenging and enjoyable."


"Thanks for the brilliant service; it was much appreciated by all!"
