Supporting GenR8 Financially
You can help support GenR8 financially by giving in one of the following ways
You can help support GenR8 financially by giving in one of the following ways
Please send your BACS donation to: GenR8, sort code 20-17-35 account no. 93379523
If you would like to make a donation please use this link: Stewardship
Alternatively you can give via: CAF (Charities Aid Foundation) using the keyword GenR8.
If you would like to set up a fundraising page for GenR8
we are registered with Crowdfunder: Crowdfunder
Please make cheques payable to ‘GenR8’ and post to:
GenR8 Bookkeeper, Mr Paul Brown, 9 Stephenson Close, Royston, Herts SG8 5TT
If you would like a standing order form please get in touch.
Click here and sign up with ‘Give as You Live’ and GenR8 will receive a donation every time you buy goods from any of the over 4,000 partner stores.
GenR8 is a registered charity (1135194).